
Sahayak Bot was my first every project using ROS and was creating during the Eyantra Robotics Compeition 2020-21. The aim of the challenge was to develop the software stack for a mobile robot that could autonomously navigate a office environment and deliver things from room to room using Pick & Place and Object Recognition & Localization.

The project was based on ROS melodic and simulated on Gazebo. It uses:

  • Gmapping and AMCL for SLAM
  • ROS navigation stack for autonmous navigation
  • Moveit! for planning and control of the UR5 Arm
  • OpenCV for Object Recognition & Localization

Watch the Video to see the project in action. Click Here to visit the project repo on GitLab.

Disclaimer: The video is quite loooooong since I ran it on my previous potato laptop :p. Even though the sim time was about ~6min, in real time it took almost ~30min.

Our team was selected in the top 7 finalists in the competition out of around 500 teams!