Making a Servo Tester with 555 Timer

A couple months back, I decided to dive into some basic electronics and where better to start than the beloved 555 Timer IC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Being a strong believer of project-based learning, I decided to make a project using the timer instead of just cramming up the theory. Fast forwarding a couple weeks, here I present to you 555 Timer based Servo Tester 🎉 555 Timer Servo Tester in action. Here I am controlling the base joint servo of a robotic arm & drive servo for a linear actuator mechanism on one of my mobile robots....

6 min · 1256 words · Me

Programming a Non-Programmable ESP8266 Board

If you are like me, you want RGB lights in everything. Be it your mouse, your keyboard, or heck even your room. Therefore, to fulfill this colorful need, I started working on a project to install the addressable WS2812B LEDs to the shelves in my room. The plan was simple: use an ESP8266-based board (specifically the Wemos D1 Mini) with WLED installed as the main controller, hook it up the LEDs and use the WLED Android App to control the LEDs....

7 min · 1419 words · Me